
Why You Should Buy Your Scooter from a Trusted Business

Versus Finding a Cheap Scooter from a Garage Sale or Non-Specialized Store


What exactly is specialization, and why is it important when making big purchases? Larger companies such as Canadian Tire or Wal-Mart sell just about everything, including the kitchen sink. When such a vast array of products is being sold in one location, it is difficult to find experts in any one particular product.

However, when you reach out to a company that specializes in a specific type of product or service, you interact with employees who are experts in their field. Their career is focused on collecting and building a knowledge base in their specialized area. Their expertise is narrow but deep, which is why you want someone like them on your side when you’re searching for an expensive or long-use product. A scooter is a big commitment, and we want to make sure you’re committing to the right one!

Don’t Go Just Anywhere

Let’s say you find a scooter or wheelchair at a garage sale, or at a non-specialized store or warehouse. It may seem like a really great deal until you take it home. When something breaks or stops working, you’ll have to search long and hard to find the correct replacement parts (not to mention needing someone to replace them for you). Especially if you’re buying it from a garage sale. That’s it. There are no warranties in a private sale.

When you buy from a business that does not deal in medical equipment, you risk them not having the correct parts. There is no follow-through. You buy it, and you’re left to figure the rest out on your own.

Besides worrying about parts, repairs and fittings, when you go to a non-specialized store you’re being shown a very small selection. Not only do they not know what you need, but now you can’t even see all the choices available to you.

It’s What We Do

When looking into purchasing something like a scooter or wheelchair, you want to go to a reputable company that deals with these products as their main line. You want certified technicians who can get you fitted for the right product, and who have the parts and skills on hand to repair the products they sell.

At MEDIchair in Lethbridge, we have experts who are knowledgeable about the makes and models, and can help you decide what your needs are. This allows you to make a safe and educated choice based on what your uses will be, warranty guaranteed!

Lift Chairs

As a person ages, mobility and strength become increasingly difficult. Tasks that were once simple, such as sitting or standing, are now very challenging. Lift chairs provide comfort and mobility to their users, and are designed to avoid falls or unnecessary pressure on joints and muscles. A lift chair’s primary function is to assist a user into a standing position by the simple touch of a button. There are a variety of lift chairs with slightly different levels of functioning, and it is important to consider individual needs when looking at these types of chairs.

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